User Groups


To manage User Groups, navigate to the Gear Icon in the top right of the application and select Users. Here you will be able to create new User Groups, deactivate users, assign users to Roles, and assign users to User Groups.

User Groups vs Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions dictates what features a user can view what actions a user can take within the application. e.g a role called Submit Forms will have the following permissions

  • Forms: Read
  • Forms: Write

This will grant the user the ability to view form submissions and submit new forms.

User Groups allow you to create groupings of users for the purpose of workflow assignment and notifications. e.g you can have two User Groups called Team A and Team B and you can then assign leak detection workflows to the respective groups. All users within Team A will get notifications for their assigned workflows and the same applies for Team B.

User Group Categories

User Group Categories allow you to combine similar user groups under one category. Example: A Category could be called "LDAR Techs" and you can have many User Groups under "LDAR Techs: where each User Group is a grouping of LDAR techs for different regions within your company.

  1. To create new Categories, Navigate to the User Groups tab and click on 'Create Group Category'.
  2. Note: your user needs to have the following permissions to interact with User Groups Categories:
    1. User Group Categories: Read
    2. User Group Categories: Write
    3. User Group Categories: Delete

  1. Populate the Name and Description and click 'Create'.

Managing User Groups

  1. To view, create new user groups, or update existing user groups, navigate to the User Groups Category section and click on a category.
  2. Note: your user needs to have the following permissions to interact with user groups:
    1. User Groups: Read
    2. User Groups: Write
    3. User Groups: Delete

View User Groups

  1. Here you can view all User Groups within a category.

Create User Groups

  1. To create a new User Group, click on 'Create Group'.

  1. Provide a Name, and Description for the new User Group.

  1. Select the list of users to be added to this User Group. To add user to the group, search for users using the search bar, and click on the plus icon on the row to add to the group. To remove users from the group select on the minus icon. After the list of users has been finalized, click on 'Create'.

View User Groups Details

  1. To view the users within a User Group, Navigate to the User Group page and click on a User Group.

  1. Within the User Group, you can view the list of users, add new users, or remove users from the Group.

Add Users to a User Group

  1. Click on the 'Add Members' button

  1. Select the user you would like to add from the dropdown and click 'Add'.

Remove Users from a User Group

  1. To remove a user from a User Group, hover over the row of the user you would like to remove. Click on the 'minus' icon on the left side of the table to remove the user.