Roles and Permissions


To manage the roles and permissions that can be added to a user in your Organizational account, navigate to Roles and Permissions. Here you will be able to create new roles and manage permissions on existing roles.


Permissions: defines the specific actions a user can be take on a feature set. Each feature within the Validere Platform has three actions (read, write, delete).

Role: a collection of permissions that can be assigned to a user to define what actions the user can take within the application.


Asset Manager: A user who has the ability to create, edit and delete your asset inventory but can not create measurements, records or run calculations would have the following permissions

  • Facilities: Read
  • Facilities: Write
  • Facilities: Delete
  • Equipment: Read
  • Equipment: Write
  • Equipment: Delete

How to Create a Role

  1. From the Roles & Permissions page, click on Create Role.

  1. Enter in the Name and Description of the new Role.

  1. Select the users that will inherit this new Role. This will grant each assigned user the set of permissions.

  1. Select the set of permissions to define the role that will be assigned to the users and click Create.

How to Edit a Role

When editing a role you can modify the name and description of the role, the permissions, and the assigned users.

  1. From the Roles & Permissions page, Click on the Name of a Role you would like to edit to navigate to the Role detail page.

How to modify the Users assigned to a Role

  1. Navigate to the Members tab.

  1. On the members tab, you can see the users that have been assigned this role. To edit the list of users to add or remove users, click on Assign Users.

  1. Add new users by clicking on the "plus" icon under the All User section. Remove users by clicking on the "minus" icon on the Selected User section. After all users have been added or removed click on "Assign Users".

How to modify the Permissions of a Role

  1. Navigate to the Permissions tab .

  1. On the Permissions tab, you can see the permissions that make up this role. To edit the list of permissions to add or remove permissions, click on Assign Permissions.

  1. Clicking on the checkbox of a permission will add or remove the permission from the Role. The selected permissions appear "checked off" and are displayed in the menu box. After permissions have been finalized, click on Assign Permissions. This will update the role and the assigned permissions to each user associated with that role.