User Management


To manage users that have access to your Organization account, navigate to the Gear Icon in the top right of the application and select Users. Here you will be able to create new users, deactivate users, assign users to Roles, and assign users to User Groups.

How to Add a New Users

  1. Underneath the Individual User tab, click on 'Create User'

  1. Provide the Full Name of the user, email, timezone and assigned roles. Note: assigned roles will determine what features they have permissions to interact with.

How to Deactivate Users

  1. Deactivating a user will remove the user access from your organization account. They will no longer be able to log in and access any features. To deactivate, navigate to the Individual User list and click on the user Full Name.

  1. Click on deactivate. A pop-up modal will appear asking you for confirmation.

How to Reactivate a Users

  1. Navigate the deactivated user from the list of Individual Users and Click on Reactive. A pop-up modal will appear asking for confirmation.