May 2024


General Enhancements

  1. Company unit configuration enables users to modify the units and decimal precision display for each measurement type. This will be applied to all users within the account.

  1. User unit configuration enables users to override the company unit configuration with a new preference that will be applicable to just your users.


  1. A change log has been added to records which tracks with each value change the following information; the previous value, updated at, updated by, source type, source by, source, configuration type, note and attachment.
  2. Users can now leave notes and an attachment when modifying a record value. This allows a user to leave evidence why the change was made. In combination with the change log you now have an audit trail of previous values.

  1. Saved Filters on records enables you to create views that are often used. In the screenshot below we have a series of saved filters on flow records for sample points, metered flows, and measured flows.


  1. Export a form submission to PDF so you can easily print or email the results of a submission.


  1. View all form submissions associated to a workflow by navigating to the "Form Submissions" tab on the workflows details page. This includes any forms associated to tasks within the workflow and the form that triggered the workflow, if applicable.


  1. Timeout window has been extended from 1 hour to 24 hours.
  2. Tooltips on form questions can be configured to provide additional detail on how to answer the question.
  3. Tasks can be saved to be accessed when on offline move.
  4. Users can now search pick-list questions based on the applicable answers.