Step 7: Pull Custom Reports

  1. Navigate to the Custom Reports page under the Volume tab in the Navigation bar.

  1. Click on the “Create Report” button.

  1. Use the calendar filter to filter for a specific time period. 

  1. Use the Filter panel to filter by Sequence Position: Secondary. Do not include Primary flows as this will double count volumes in the report. 

  1. Use the Rows and Outputs dropdowns to configure which attributes and values to display in the custom report:
    1. Within the Rows dropdown, select the Flow, Facility, and Equipment attributes that you want to display in your report. For example, you can choose to group the volumes by Flow, Flow: Type, Flow: Facility, Flow: Equipment, Flow: Primary Volumetric Category, etc. This report view can be entirely customized by you.
    2. Within the Outputs dropdown, select Volume.

  1. Click on the “Submit” button to generate the report.
    1. The Volume Summary section displays the total volume generated in the report. 
    2. The Records section displays the volume calculated for each flow in the report.

  1. Click on the “Export” button to export the results to Excel. 

How to Pull Emissions Custom Reports

  1. Navigate to the Custom Reports page under the Emissions tab in the Navigation bar.

  1. Use the calendar filter to filter for a specific time period. 

  1. Use the Rows and Outputs dropdowns to configure which attributes and values to display in the custom report:
    1. Within the Rows dropdown, select the Facility and Equipment attributes that you want to display in your report. For example, you can choose to group the volumes by Equipment, Equipment: Type, Facility, Facility: Petrinex Facility ID, etc.
    2. Within the Outputs dropdown, select the emissions (Mass CO2eq, Mass CO2, Mass CH4, and Mass N2O).

  1. Click on the “Submit” button to generate the report.
    1. The Emissions Summary section displays the total emissions generated in the report. 
    2. The Records section displays the emissions calculated for each equipment piece in the report.

  1. Click on the “Export” button to export the results to Excel.