How to Run Theoretical Volumetric Calculations Using Estimation Methods
How to Configure Records as Inputs to Volumetric Estimation Methods and Run Calculations
Now that all of the records have been uploaded to the Primary and Secondary flows, the next step is to ensure that the volumetric estimation methods configured on each flow captures these records as inputs, and then to run volumetric calculations. In order to do this:
- Navigate to the Flows page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar, and click on the Records tab.
- Use the calendar filter to filter for the correct month.
- Leverage the checkbox on the left of the Period column in the Flow Records table to select all flows.
- Please note that currently this ‘Select All’ checkbox only selects all of the flows on the current page. As a workaround, please scroll down to the bottom of the page, expand the number of flows that are shown in this table from 25 to 75, and then click on this ‘Select All’ checkbox on each page of this table before proceeding to step 4.
- Click on the “Apply Record Automation” button at the top of the Flow Records table. This will sum the volumes from the non-routine form submissions and add them onto the corresponding non-routine flows.
- Navigate to the Calculators page under the Calculations tab in the Navigation bar. Make sure that you are on the Volume tab.
- Use the calendar filter to filter for the correct month.
- Click on the “Apply Configuration” button at the top of the Calculations table. This button will promote the equipment and flow records as inputs to the volumetric estimation methods.
- Now, the Status of the calculations on all flows will be updated from ‘Incomplete’ to ‘Ready’.
- In instances where the Status still remains as ‘Incomplete’, please navigate to the How to Troubleshoot Incomplete Calculations section.
- Click on the “Calculate” button at the top of the Calculations table. This button will calculate all theoretical volumes.
- The Status of the calculations on all flows will be updated from ‘Ready’ to ‘Complete’ and the total volume calculated for the specified time period will be displayed in the Summary section on the page.
- The Volume column in the Volume Calculations table will now display the theoretical volume calculated for each flow.
How to Troubleshoot Incomplete Calculations
On the Calculations page (under both the Volume and Emissions tabs in the Navigation bar), when the Status remains as ‘Incomplete’ even after the “Apply Configuration” button is selected for that asset, you can view which inputs are missing by following the below steps:
- Click on the link in the Estimation Method column for the asset that you would like to investigate.
- Navigate to the Calculations page and select the correct month using the calendar filter.
- Within the Calculations Inputs section on this page, you will see all of the calculation inputs for the estimation method on the selected asset.
- Click on the “Apply Defaults” button. If any calculation input fields remain blank after clicking on this button, then the record has not yet been loaded into Carbon Hub and must be added. In the below screenshot, the Jan 2024 load factor and operating hours for the selected equipment piece has not been entered into Carbon Hub yet, resulting in the ‘Incomplete’ calculation status.
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