How to Upload Monthly Variable Data
View Monthly Variable Equipment Data
Monthly variable equipment data (i.e. operating hours, load factors) have been configured as records on equipment. In order to view records on equipment:
- Click on the Equipment page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar and click on the Records tab.
- Use the calendar filter to filter for a specific time period.
- The Equipment Records table on this page displays the records associated with each equipment piece for the selected time period (e.g. operating hours, load factors, etc).
- To export this table to Excel, click on the “Export” button on the Equipment - Records page. Below is a high-level overview of the key columns in this Excel export:
- The Period column represents the month in which this record is effective.
- The Measurement Type column represents the measurement type for each equipment piece that can be updated on a monthly basis (e.g. operating time, load factor, throughput, etc).
- The Value column represents the associated value for each measurement type for each equipment piece.
Please note that the Records export for Facilities, Equipment, and Flows are all structured similarly.
How to Modify and Upload Monthly Variable Equipment Data for Month Specified in Excel Export
- Using the file downloaded in step 5 in the How to View Monthly Variable Equipment Data section, if one or multiple records need to be updated for the time period in which the Equipment Records export was downloaded for, update the Value cell(s) in this export and save your changes.
- Do not modify any other columns.
- To upload the modified Excel file to Carbon Hub, click on the “Import” button on the Equipment - Records page and either drag and drop the file into the ‘Select file to upload’ box, or use the “Choose File” button to select the file from your computer. Then, click on the “Import Data” button.
- Once the file is uploaded successfully, the modified equipment records in the Excel export will be updated in Carbon Hub, and will be visible on the Equipment - Records page.
How to Modify and Upload Monthly Variable Equipment Data for New Month in Excel Export
- In order to modify and upload equipment operating hours and monthly equipment variable data for equipment in a new month, export the equipment records for the previous month (i.e. if you would like to update the equipment hours and data for December 2023, export the equipment records for November 2023).
- Delete the inputs in the Period column and replace it with the new month (e.g. update Period from 202311 to 202312).
- Delete the inputs in the Value column and replace it with the values for the new month (e.g. update operating_time, load_factor, etc. for equipment).
- Do not modify any other columns for existing equipment.
- If new equipment pieces were added in this new month which did not exist in the previous month, make sure to add the new equipment to the spreadsheet and populate all columns.
- Once the file is uploaded successfully, equipment records for the new month will be created in Carbon Hub, and will be visible on the Equipment - Records page.
Overview of Flow Records
The following volumes have been configured as records on Primary and Secondary flows:
- Measured Fuel Volumes (records on Primary flows)
- Measured Flare Volumes (records on Secondary flows)
- General Equipment Volumes (records on Secondary flows)
- Purge Gas Volumes (records on Secondary flows)
- Mobile Equipment Volumes (records on Secondary flows)
Additionally, gas analyses are configured as records on Secondary flows.
How to View Flow Records
In order to view records on flows:
- Click on the Flows page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar and click on the Records tab.
- Use the calendar filter to filter for a specific time period.
- The Flows Records table on this page displays the records associated with each flow for the selected time period.
How to View Monthly Meter Readings
- Continuing from step 4 in the How to View Flow Records section, open the Filters panel, filter Sequence Position to Primary, and click on the “Apply Filters” button.
- The Flow Records table will be filtered to only display the meter readings (which are associated with each Primary flow).
How to Upload Monthly Meter Readings for New Month
- In order to upload meter readings for a new month, use the “Export” button to download the flow records filtered on Sequence Position: Primary for the previous month (for example, if you would like to update the meter readings for December 2023, export the primary flow records for November 2023).
- Delete the inputs in the Period column and replace it with the new month (e.g. update Period from 202311 to 202312).
- Delete the inputs in the Value column and replace it with the meter readings for the new month.
- Do not modify any other columns for existing meters.
- If new meters were added in this new month which did not exist in the previous month, make sure to add the new meters to the spreadsheet and populate all columns.
- Once you save your changes, click on the “Import” button on the Flows - Records page to import the file.
- Once the file is uploaded successfully, meter reading records will be created in Carbon Hub, and will be visible on the Flows - Records page.
How to Upload Secondary Flow Records for New Month
- In order to upload secondary flow records for a new month, filter Sequence Position to Secondary, and click on the “Apply Filters” button.
- Use the “Export” button to download the flow records filtered on Sequence Position: Secondary for the previous month (for example, if you would like to update the secondary flow records for December 2023, export the secondary flow records for November 2023).
- Delete the inputs in the Period column and replace it with the new month (e.g. update Period from 202311 to 202312).
- Delete the inputs in the Value column and replace it with the values for the new month (e.g. update volume for flare stacks).
- Do not modify any other columns for existing flows.
- If new flows were added in this new month which did not exist in the previous month, make sure to add the new flows to the spreadsheet and populate all columns.
- Once you save your changes, click on the “Import” button on the Flows - Records page to import the file.
Once the file is uploaded successfully, flow records for the new month will be created in Carbon Hub, and will be visible on the Flows - Records page.
Go to Step 4: Run Theoretical Volumetric Calculations Using Estimation Methods >>