How to Review Assets within Organization Tab

The Organization tab in Carbon Hub comprises four pages, each representing an asset: Facilities, Equipment, Flows, Networks, and Devices. The below table provides a description of each asset:




A Facility is a user-defined boundary around a collection of Assets (in Canada, generally represents a Petrinex Well ID or Petrinex Facility ID).


is emission-generating sources that may model physical assets (e.g. engines, heaters, pneumatics, etc.) or non-physical assets (e.g. non-routine events, fugitive emissions, non-variable fuel consumption, electricity consumption, etc).


Flows model the movement of volume. They may represent input and output streams of Equipment. Flows may be used to capture the volume and quality of a stream in/out of Equipment.


A Network is a collection of related Flows that can be balanced as a result of network proration.


A Device is any physical device taking direct measurements at your asset base and helps organize the underlying measurement data at your operational assets.

When kicking off the month-end bookkeeping process, these 5 asset lists should be reviewed and updated as required to reflect any changes that occurred in the month.

Review Facilities

Facilities Overview

To view the facility list, navigate to the Facilities page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar. 

Please note that:

  • Adding or deleting a facility will add it or delete it in every month in Carbon Hub. As a result, please do not delete any facilities in Carbon Hub as this will modify historical data. 
  • The attributes associated with a facility have an effective period and can be changed month-over-month (see the How to Edit Facilities section for more information)

How to Export Facility List

  1. On the Facilities page, use the month filter to select the month you would like to review data for and filter for any specific data using the Filters panel.

  1. Click on the Export button. This will download an Excel file with the facility list and associated attribute responses to your computer.
    1. Note: Carbon Hub currently has an export file size limit, which our Product & Engineering teams are working on increasing. The limit is approximately 2000 rows, but can vary based on the number of columns (custom attributes) in the export. If you click on the “Export” button and the button goes into a loading state but then stops loading and no export is downloaded, this is because it reached the size limit restriction. When this occurs, please export the facility list piecewise using the filters. Your Services Representative will follow up once this issue is resolved. This limitation applies to all pages with an Export button (Facilities, Equipment etc).

  1. Review the facility list and ensure all attributes are up-to-date for the selected month.

How to Modify and Upload Exported Facility List

  1. If any changes are required to the facility list, make them in the Excel file downloaded in step 3 and save your changes.
    1. NOTE: Any changes made in the Excel file and uploaded to Carbon Hub will be applied in the current calendar month (e.g. if on January 15, 2024, you download the facility list and make changes, the changes will only be reflected in January 2024 in Carbon Hub). In the event that you need to make changes to a month outside of the current calendar month, please refer to the How to Edit Facilities on the Front-End section. 
  2. To upload the modified Excel file to Carbon Hub, click on the Import button and either drag and drop the file into the ‘Select file to upload’ box, or use the Choose File button to select the file from your computer. Then, click on the Import Data button.

  1. You will get a message stating “Successfully started data import”. 

  1. To view the upload status, navigate to the Data Tools tab in the Navigation bar and click on the Submissions page. This page provides an audit log of all previous submissions, and will let you know if the file uploaded successfully. 
    1. If you see a ‘Failed’ or ‘Partially completed’ status, then click into the submission to understand why the file did not upload successfully. Make the necessary adjustments in the Excel file and repeat steps 4 - 7.
    2. NOTE: This workflow to view an audit log of your imported file, along with any error messages that need to be resolved will remain the same across all pages in Carbon Hub.

How to Add Facilities

  1. To add a facility, navigate to the Facilities page, and click on the Create Facility button in the top right corner.

  1. Populate the required fields and any additional attributes for your reporting and/or analysis. 
  2. Click on the Create Facility button in the bottom right corner to create the facility. Please note that adding a facility will add it to every month in Carbon Hub. 

How to Edit Facilities on the Front-End

  1. To edit a facility, navigate to the Facilities page, and locate the facility by browsing through the pages, typing the name in the search bar, or utilizing the filters.
  2. Click on the Facility Name, and select the Edit button in the top right corner.

  1. Use the calendar selection under Effective Period Start to specify the month in which the changes should go into effect. 
    1. Note: Currently, the only way to modify facility attributes outside of the current calendar month is through the Carbon Hub front-end (e.g. if in January 2024 you would like to make updates to facilities in December 2023, the updates will need to be made through the front-end). In the event that these updates are too time consuming to complete through the front-end, please reach out to your Validere Services Contact for support. 
    2. Note: The Effective Period Start applies changes until the current calendar month. In the event that you would like to modify a facility attribute for a historical time period with an end date that is outside of the current calendar month, multiple updates will need to be made. As an example, if the current Petrinex ID for a facility is ABBT0000001 from January 2023 - December 2023, but the Petrinex ID should be updated to ABBT0000002 for only September 2023 - November 2023, then the following updates should be made: 
      1. Update the Petrinex ID for the facility to ABBT0000002 with an Effective Period Start date of September 2023.
      2. Update the Petrinex ID for the facility back to ABBT0000001 with an Effective Period Start date of December 2023. 
    3. Note: The Effective Period Start does NOT apply to the Facility Name and Status (Active / Inactive). If changes are made to these fields, they will be made in all historical months. 

  1. Update the necessary fields and click on the Save button in the bottom right corner to save your changes.

Review Equipment

Equipment Overview

To view the equipment list, navigate to the Equipment page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar. 

Please note that:

  • Adding or deleting an equipment piece will add it or delete it in every month in Carbon Hub. As a result, please do not delete any equipment from Carbon Hub as this will modify historical data. 
  • The attributes associated with an equipment piece have an effective period and can be changed month-over-month (see the How to Edit Equipment section for more information)

How to Export Equipment List

  1. On the Equipment page, use the month filter to select the month you would like to review data for and filter for any specific data using the Filters panel.

  1. Click on the Export button. This will download an Excel file with the equipment list and associated attribute responses to your computer.

  1. Review the equipment list and ensure all attributes are up-to-date for the selected month.

How to Modify and Upload Exported Equipment List

  1. If any changes are required to the equipment inventory, make them in the Excel file downloaded in step 3 and save your changes.
    1. Note: Any changes made in the Excel file and uploaded to Carbon Hub will be applied in the current calendar month. In the event that you need to make changes to a month outside of the current calendar month, please refer to the How to Edit Equipment on the Front-End section.
    2. Note: Do not change the facility name for an equipment piece in the Export file. In order to move a piece of equipment from one facility to another, the existing equipment piece must be marked as inactive in Carbon Hub (so that its historical data is maintained) and the new equipment piece must be created under the correct facility. Please note that whenever a new equipment piece is created in Carbon Hub, an associated flow must be created as well (please refer to the How to Add Flows section).
  2. To upload the modified Excel file to Carbon Hub, click on the Import button and either drag and drop the file into the ‘Select file to upload’ box, or use the Choose File button to select the file from your computer. Then, click on the Import Data button.

How to Add Equipment

  1. To add an equipment piece, navigate to the Equipment page, and click on the Create Equipment button in the top right corner.

  1. Populate the required fields, as well as any additional attributes necessary for your reporting and/or analysis. 
    1. Associate the newly created equipment with the appropriate Facility. 
    2. Enter the Name and Status of the new equipment.
    3. Choose an Effective Date for the equipment. This date is meant to represent when the equipment went or will go into service.
    4. Select the Equipment Type.
    5. Input any relevant Optional fields (i.e. Latitude and Longitude for your asset to appear on the map).
  2. After filling out all necessary details, click on the “Create Equipment” button to create the equipment piece. Please note that adding an equipment piece will add it to every month configured in Carbon Hub. Also, please note that after adding an equipment piece, an associated flow will need to be created because every equipment piece has a corresponding flow in Carbon Hub (please refer to the How to Add Flows section). 

How to Edit Equipment on the Front-End

  1. To edit an equipment piece, navigate to the Equipment page, and locate the equipment by browsing through the pages, typing the name in the search bar, or utilizing the filters.
  2. Click on the Equipment Name, and select the “Edit” button in the top right corner. 

  1. Use the calendar selection under Effective Period Start to specify the month in which the changes should go into effect.
    1. Note: Currently, the only way to modify equipment attributes outside of the current calendar month is through the Carbon Hub front-end (e.g. if in January 2024 you would like to make updates to equipment in December 2023, the updates will need to be made through the front-end). In the event that these updates are too time consuming to complete through the front-end, please reach out to your Validere Services Contact for support.
    2. Note: The Effective Period Start applies changes until the current calendar month. In the event that you would like to modify an equipment attribute for a historical time period with an end date that is outside of the current calendar month, multiple updates will need to be made. Please refer to step 3b under the How to Edit Facilities on the Front-End section for an example.  
    3. Note: The Effective Period Start does NOT apply to the Equipment Name and Status (Active / Inactive / Deprecated). If changes are made to these fields, they will be made in all historical months. 

  1. Update the necessary fields and click on the Save button in the bottom right corner to save your changes.

Review Flows

Flows Overview

To view the flows list, navigate to the Flows page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar. 

Please note that:

  • Adding or deleting a flow will add it or delete it in every month in Carbon Hub. As a result, please do not delete any flows in Carbon Hub as this will modify historical data. 
  • The attributes associated with a flow have an effective period and can be changed month-over-month (see the How to Edit Flows section for more information)

How to Add Flows

If a new equipment piece is added in a month, then an associated flow will need to be created as well, and a volumetric estimation method for that flow will need to be specified (if required).

  1. To add a flow, navigate to the Flows page and click on the Create Flow button in the top right corner.

  1. Populate the required fields, as well as any additional attributes necessary for your reporting and/or analysis. 
    1. Enter the Name of the new flow
    2. Select the Type from the dropdown
    3. Select the Product Category from the dropdown
    4. Select the Product Type from the dropdown
    5. Select the Sequence Position, which can be either Primary or Secondary:
      1. Primary: Represent the volume flowing from a fuel meter to downstream flows
      2. Secondary: Represent the volume flowing to each individual piece of equipment
    6. Fill out any other relevant Optional fields (i.e. Associated Facility, Associated Equipment, Primary Volumetric Category, etc).
      1. Primary Volumetric Category: Specify whether the flow volume represents Fuel, Flare, Vent, Prod, Proc, Disp, Rec, Air, Electricity, Fugitive, or Recovered volume. This is left blank for flows representing fuel meters. 
      2. Secondary Volumetric Category: Further specify what the flow volume represents (e.g. Fuel Combusted, Fuel Vented, Fuel Flared, Fuel Recovered, etc.) This is left blank for flows representing fuel meters.
  2. After filling out the necessary fields, click on the Next button.

  1. This will navigate you to the Create Flow - Connections page, where you can select the Origin and Destination asset(s) of the flow, by hovering over the asset name and clicking on the three dots that appear. 
    1. When creating a Sequence Position: Primary flow, the Origin should be left blank, and the Destination should comprise all of the Secondary flows that are downstream (i.e. equipment flows downstream of the meter).
    2. When creating a Sequence Position: Secondary flow, the Origin should be the associated Primary flow (which represents the meter), and the Destination should be the corresponding equipment.

  1. Click on the Create Flow button at the bottom right corner to create the flow. Please note that adding a flow will add it to every month configured in Carbon Hub.
  2. Now, a volumetric estimation method needs to be configured on the flow. To do so, click into the new flow that was created and navigate to the Estimation Methods tab.
  3. Click on the Add Estimation Method button.
  4. Populate the estimation method details:
    1. Name the estimation method.
    2. Select the calculator from the calculations library. Additional fields will pop up based on the calculator chosen. 
    3. Fill out the additional fields. 
    4. Assign to the Scenario 1 Reporting Scenario.
  5. Click on the Submit button in the bottom right corner to save the estimation method. 
  6. Now, input sourcing must be configured on the new estimation method. Input sourcing allows you to define where the calculator input should come from. To do so, click on the new estimation method in the Estimation Methods tab and navigate to the Configuration tab. The Configuration tab will display all applicable inputs in the table. 
  7. Navigate to the right side of the row until you see the three dots. Click on the icon and select Set Source.
  8. A pop-up window will appear to specify: 
    1. Asset Type
    2. Asset Name
    3. Measurement Type
    4. Reporting Scenario
  9. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each input on the estimation method.

How to Edit Flows

  1. To edit a flow, navigate to the Flows page, and locate the flow by browsing through the pages, typing the name in the search bar, or utilizing the filters.
  2. Click on the Flow Name, and select the Edit button in the top right corner. 

  1. Use the calendar selection under Effective Period Start to specify the month in which the changes should go into effect.
    1. NOTE: The Effective Period Start applies changes until the current calendar month. In the event that you would like to modify a flow attribute for a historical time period with an end date that is outside of the current calendar month, multiple updates will need to be made. Please refer to step 3b under the How to Edit Facilities on the Front-End section for an example.

  1. Update the necessary fields and click on the “Next” button in the bottom right corner.

  1. Click on the Save button in the bottom right corner to save changes that were made on the previous page.
    1. Note: Do not make any updates to the origin and / or destination asset(s) of the flow, as this will update the flow in all months, and modify historical data. Our Product & Engineering team is looking into making the Effective Period Start date that was specified on the previous page to also be applicable on this page, and your Validere Services Contact will update you once this improvement is live. 

Review Networks

Networks Overview

To view the networks list, navigate to the Networks page under the Organization tab in the Navigation bar. Please note that:

  • Adding or deleting a network will add it or delete it in every month in Carbon Hub. As a result, please do not delete any networks from Carbon Hub as this will modify historical data. 

How to Add Networks

A new network should be created in cases where a new fuel gas meter has been added on the field or a new volume configuration must be reflected in Carbon Hub (e.g. an equipment piece that was previously connected to meter A is now connected to meter B on the field). To add a new network: 

  1. Click on the “Create Network” button in the top right corner.

  1. Populate the required fields, as well as any additional attributes necessary for your reporting and/or analysis. 
  2. After filling out the necessary fields, click on the Next button.

  1. This will navigate you to the Create Network - Flow Section page, where you can select which flows should be added to the network. Use the Search bar at the top of the page and the checkbox on the left of the Flow Name to select the flows that should be added to the network. 

  1. Once all of the flows are selected, click on the Create Network button to create the network. Please note that adding a network will add it to every month configured in Carbon Hub.

How to Edit Networks

  1. Navigate to the Networks page, and locate the network by browsing through the pages, typing the name in the search bar, or utilizing the filters.
  2. Click on the Network Name, and select the Edit button in the top right corner. 

  1. You will be navigated to the Edit Network page, where you can edit the Name, Validere Meter ID, and Volumetric Determination Method for the network. Click on the Edit button in the bottom right corner to save your changes.

Please note that:

  • Note: If a network is missing one or more flows, or if one or more flows needs to be deleted from a network, please reach out to your Validere Services representative for support as the following actions must be completed: 
  1. Delete the entire network.
  2. Re-create a new network and select all of the flows that need to be added to this network.

Go to Step 2: Upload Non-Routine Events >>