Mar 2024


Release notes provide details on feature changes, known issues, fixes, workarounds, and deprecations for recent software releases.

March 2024


General Enhancements

  1. Size limit restrictions has been removed on exports. Validere now supports exports greater then 6 MB.
  2. Account and Company settings have been moved to the top right of the app
  3. Improved visual loading states

Custom Reporting

  1. Custom report format enhancements
    1. Emissions outputs now export in company / user unit and decimal precision preferences vs grams
    2. Custom Attributes have been formatted in the export to use display name vs data base name (Province vs facility.province
    3. Ordering of columns in the export now match the ordering of the report


  1. New Record Automation list views on assets give users the ability to view the configuration of each record property on an asset.
    1. A configuration consist of the following
      1. Default Value: what default value should be applied to this record every month
      2. Record Source: where should the record value be set from and what function to use to aggregate the measurement data. (e.g source meter volume as the sum of all device readings for the month OR source gas analysis as the latest gas analysis submission)

User Roles and Permissions

  1. Improved ability to restrict user access based on feature permissions
  2. A user can now be assigned one or many roles
  3. A role comprises of the permissions for each feature. A permission can be read, write, or delete
  4. Manage user permissions by assigning roles or removing roles


  1. Lookup question filtering support on mobile app.
    1. Filtered drop-downs based on previous responses. Equipment selection can be filtered based on selected facility and equipment type