Feb 2024


Release notes provide details on feature changes, known issues, fixes, workarounds, and deprecations for recent software releases.

February 2024


General Enhancements

  1. Equipment Subtype attributes allow you to configure what attributes appear on which equipment type


  1. Users can now submit forms as a "Draft" that enables you to edit before final submission
  2. Improved layout of form submission page to handle sections and question types
  3. Support for question descriptions. These appear as tooltips on the question to aid the user in filling in the question
  4. Filtered drop-downs based on previous responses. Equipment selection can be filtered based on selected facility and equipment type

Network Calculations

  1. When creating a network you now have to define the reporting group of the network.
  2. You have to define the "Default Adjustable" status for each flow which is used in the network calculation
  3. New network outputs
    1. total inlet volume
    2. non-adjustable volume = total volume of flows marked not for adjustment (often flare and vent volumes)
    3. F0 = adjustable volume = total volume of flows marked for adjustment (often theoretical fuel)
    4. F1 = adjusted volume = total volume after proration
    5. proration factor = |F1-F0|/F0  tells you how their theoretical fuel is vs the prorated differs. Use this s a QA tool to determine which networks disagree the most between theoreticals and prorated values


  1. You can now save your volumetric and emissions custom report
    1. The row selector will determine what columns are printed in the report
    2. The output selector will determine what measurements are included in the report
  2. Company Report vs My Report
    1. When you save a report you have two access controls.
      1. My Reports are reports that only you can view
      2. Company Reports are reports that every user can view