Jan 2024
Release notes provide details on feature changes, known issues, fixes, workarounds, and deprecations for recent software releases.
General Enhancements
- Ability to right click a link and open as new tab
- Ability to export equipment list from facility detail screen
- Filter equipment list using facility attributes
Import Tools
- Preview loaded data within the data submissions details screen for easy debugging
- Import templates are now xlsx instead of csv with the following enhancements
- Required Columns are in red and Optional Colums are in yellow
- Tooltips for each column
- Drop-downs to enable data validation
- Ability to run calculations across all pages. To run a bulk calculation, apply filters and then select calculate. You will get a confirmation modal with the count of calculations that will be ran
- View calculator inputs by filtering your calculation list to one calculation method
- Ability to edit estimation method configuration by modifying measurement type or default value
- Ability to run Record Automation across all pages. To run a bulk automation, apply filters and then select Apply Record Automation. You will get a confirmation modal with the count of records that will be ran.
- Filter equipment records using facility attributes
- Updated home screen including:
- Quick access to the user's open workflow task list
- Quick access links to each feature (forms, events, tasks)
- Mobile workflow tasks
- Users can now interact with their task in the mobile app. Tasks actions include:
- Completion of manual tasks
- Prompting a user to complete a specific form template
- Linking a user to an event to complete any required actions on the event and resolve events
- Users can now interact with their task in the mobile app. Tasks actions include:
- Filling forms directly from an event