My Tasks

The my tasks section is where you can see all tasks that are assigned to you. A task will contain the follow attributes

  1. Title = this will tell you what job needs to be done
  2. Description = additional details to know what needs to be accomplished
  3. Assigned To = the name of the user who is responsible for completing the task
  4. Task Type
    1. Manual task = do a task in or out of the product and log that it has been completed
    2. Form = submit a form in the product
  5. Workflow
  6. Workflow Template =
  7. Workflow Due Date = the date the task needs to be completed by
  8. Facility = the associated facility where this task needs to be completed
  9. Status = [open, missed, dismissed, late, complete]

How to manage My Tasks

  1. To view the tasks that are assigned to you, navigate to My Tasks by clicking on Workflows and then My Tasks

  1. Filter to my Open tasks by using the Status filter along the top

  1. Follow the instruction in the task. If it prompts you to fill in a form, then you can click on 'Add Form Submissions' . After you complete the task, click on Update Status to mark the status complete