

Flows enable you to establish relationships of the movement of volume and to model connectivity between multiple assets. By creating flows and linking and establishing how they relate to facilities and equipment, you can accurately model how a product moves within a particular facility or supply chain, establish fuel allocation and proration calculations, and accurately allocate production volumes associated with your assets.

Flows are considered an Asset in the Validere platform but can also connect other assets. For example, a Flow can either have an “origin” asset, a “destination” asset, or both. For example, if you were to model the volume of fuel gas going into a singular piece of equipment, this would be a Flow with only one “destination,” which is the piece of equipment.

However, if you create a more complex scenario where gas flows from one facility to another and is split into many different fuel lines, you could create a Flow that also models this connectivity.

Create a new Flow

  1. Go to the Flows under Organization in the Navigation bar, and click the “Create Flow” button in the top right corner. 

  1. Populate the required fields and linked any assets associated to the flow. Click “Next”.

  1. Select the origin and destination.

  1. Save by clicking on “Create” in the bottom right corner. 

Edit a flow

  1. Go to the Flows under Organization in the Navigation bar. 
  2. Select the flow, and click Edit in the top right corner.

  1. Update the flow detail page if necessary, and click Next.

  1. Edit the connections as needed.

Delete a flow

  1. Find your flow on the Flows page under Organization in the Navigation bar. 
  2. To delete, you can either:
  • Click on the flow and delete it from the record page
  • Hover your cursor over the last column and click the trash icon.
  1. Click the Delete button. 
  2. A window will pop-up to confirm that you want to delete this flow. Once confirmed, click Delete. 
    1. Please note: once a flow is deleted, it can not be restored. 

View Flow change log

The Flow Change Log tracks modifications and updates made to flow records. This functionality allows all users to access and review any changes made, improving auditability of your data and transparency amongst team members.  

  1. Navigate to the Flows page under the Organization section in the Navigation bar.
  2. Select the flow. You can locate the flow by browsing through pages, or by typing its name in the search bar or utilizing the saved filters.
  3. Access the Change Log tab to see all the updates made to the flow. Here you will see what was updated, by who, and when. You can also filter the change type (Delete, Update, and Create) by clicking the Filters button on the right and applying filters.

These steps allow you to track any modifications or updates made to the flow.