Samples: General Overview


The samples feature helps operations monitor and validate samples, and simplify the sample selection process for accounting teams. It is a common challenge to select samples appropriately for balancing activities, so selecting samples marked as valid by operations makes it easier to accurately represent qualities for an accounting period. Sample notes provide additional context behind validation and invalidation, such as planned updates in operational conditions or unplanned changes in the process.
Validation adds context to on-spec and off-spec samples. Off-spec samples indicate when at least 1 measurement is outside of the specification, while validation describes whether a sample can be used for satisfying sampling schedules and in sample selection during production accounting.


By navigating to the Samples tab, all samples will be in a list view. By default, this list will be sorted by sample date, and all sample statuses will be shown. This list can be filtered based on stream name, sample status, or site.

Possible sample statuses include Validated, Pending, and Invalidated. All samples will be automatically Validated based on limits set in stream alert settings. Samples with properties outside the limits will be automatically marked Pending when first received. Sample status can be changed at any time through the Samples page to be marked as Valid or Invalid. 

By selecting a sample, a sample details page will show a summary and analysis comparison.

Notes can be added to samples to provide operational context or to ask questions for further discussion. Attachments can also be added to notes if images or files need to be shared.

By clicking "Add Your Analysis", samples status can be updated to Validated, Invalidated, or marked again as Pending. Validated samples have an optional field for including an Applicable Period by setting a start and end date. This helps inform other users when Validated samples are an accurate representation of a small period of time, but not an entire month.

Record of Quality

All samples from a particular stream will be displayed in the sample selection in a record of quality, regardless of sample status. The applicable period will also be available. 

However, only Validated samples may be selected in records of quality. Pending or Invalidated samples will show as grey rows, and will not be selectable. To include a Pending or Invalidated sample in the record of quality, the sample status must be changed to Validated via the Samples page. 


Sample status will also be available when viewing tests in the Instruments page. Please note that there may be multiple tests on a particular sample, so there may be situations where an off-spec result on a failed test affects the sample status of another passed test if they are from the same sample.