Tests: General Overview


This article provides a general overview of how to use the 'Tests' feature to:

  1. View a centralized list of all tests
  2. Assign orphan tests 
  3. Reassign associated tests
  4. Create new samples

1. Viewing Tests

Navigate to the Instruments tab, select 'Manage Tests' to view all the tests that have been logged on Validere 360. The filters at the top of the screen can be used to narrow the search field by site, instrument, measurement type, sample type, whether the test is an orphan and date of test.

2. Assigning Orphans

One of the most common use-cases of the 'Tests' feature is assigning orphan tests. This refers to tests that could not be associated to a parent sample either because the short code was entered incorrectly or because there was no short code at all. 

First, filter all tests for Orphan: Yes and select any orphans that share the same parent sample.

Second, review the tests in the upper table, and review the samples in the lower table. 

Third, observe the short code, dates and sites to identify the appropriate assignment by selecting an existing sample. NOTE: If the appropriate sample does not exist, please refer to section 4 to create a new sample. 

Lastly, click Assign Test and confirm the assignment was successful with the green notification "Your Tests Have Been Assigned To A Sample".

3. Re-Assigning Tests to Different Samples

Another common use-case of the 'Tests' feature is to re-assign a test. This is required when a test is assigned to an incorrect sample, which can occur if an incorrect short code was entered, which matches the short code of another sample.

First, filter all tests for Orphan: No and select any tests that need to be re-assigned to a different parent sample.

Second, review the tests in the upper table, and review the samples in the lower table. 

Third, observe the short code, dates and sites to identify the appropriate assignment by selecting a sample. NOTE: If the appropriate sample does not exist, please refer to section 4. 

Lastly, click Assign Test and confirm the assignment was successful with the green notification "Your Tests Have Been Assigned To A Sample".

4. Creating Samples

In both cases of assigning orphans, or re-assigning tests with an existing parent sample, there is often the need to create a new sample before updating the assignment.

First, click Add New Sample in the "Assign Test To" section.

Second, populate the necessary fields to create a sample, such as the stream that the sample was taken from, or whether it is linked to a scheduled Workflow task.  

Lastly, click Add Sample to create the sample, and then continue with the assignment process.